Friday, July 17, 2009

Do Treatments/Adjustments Hurt?

While it might seem logical to assume that if a joint hurts, moving bones would cause more pain, the reverse is often true. An adjustment is often like removing the weight of a heavy box that has fallen on your toes. When the box is removed, there is often an instant feeling of relief. Often there is an invigorating "aliveness" that is felt as the function and integrity of the spine is returned to a more
normal state.
The few patients who indicate discomfort, describe a soreness in the muscles supporting the spine, near the area where the adjustment was made. This is like the day after raking leaves, or shoveling snow, or other vigorous exercise.... these supporting muscles can become tired and ache.
In our clinic, most adjusting is done using my hands...with the help of drop tables. The feeling during the adjustment is far less uncomfortable than spraining your ankle, being hit by a soccer ball, or being bitten by a mosquito or deerfly.

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