Friday, May 29, 2009


Are Chiropractors "Quacks"?? I saw a middle aged gentleman moving very slowly in front of my office. He had 2 canes and was gritting his teeth. I could not resist asking about his condition and if he had seen a Chiropractor..He responded that he had MS and Chiropractors are Quacks.
Until the public understands that a bone out of place, anywhere; can reduce muscle function, increase pain, possibly interfere with organ function, decrease range of motion (this fellow was barely able to move), and eventually dim your attitude (his was not positive) etc. etc. then we will get this label.
Isuppose the Wright brothers were called Quacks when they told people they were going to fly.

Friday, May 22, 2009

When do I need another treatment?

Ideally when you are may feel pain in your back or neck..muscle relaxers do not work..anti-inflammatories work at first.. but the pain persists when their effect wears off:you have a misaligned joint ,that is probably putting pressure on a nerve (we are aware that tumors,cysts, infection,fractures etc.could be the cause) . Sometimes you may not sleep well..or your thinking is below par. A treatment will correct this. If you are a patient and read this add.. yours s.v.p.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Requirements for Doctor of Chiropractic Degree

You need a 3 year Science Degree...then You study 4 more years at a Chiropractic College. The curriculum models the medical doctors education...more emphasis on neurology and less on pathology. Upon graduation You must pass board exams in the province or state where you want to work.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Foot Pain

Do the bones in your feet misalign? Of course. Can they be adjusted back into normal position? Yes.
A patient came limping in to the clinic today with left foot pain on the upper surface of his left foot.
Examination revealed 2 bones out of place. One of the cuneiform and one of the metatarsal bones were adjusted back into place. Within 2 days his pain should be need for orthotics ,arthritis medication, or a cortisone injection. In general..the longer the misalignment has been there, the more treatments needed for resolution.
However, no matter what treatment you choose it seems wise to correct the problem as well as treat the symptom!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Sinus/Lymphatic Drain

One branch of Chiropractic..SOT..Sacro Occipital Technique..treats organ dysfunction. We use some of these techniques. If you have recurring sinus infections, these areas can be drained can lymph nodes. We find a marked drop in the need foe antibiotics and a better functioning immune system after a few treatments.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Hemorrhoids Shrink With Treatment

Yes there is a treatment to reduce or remove painful hemorrhoids. The area treated is on the foot. It is primarily a management tool and should be performed periodically to manage the condition..Not every Chiropractor has learned this adjustment. We do it routinely when needed or to prevent the swelling.
We think that we only have rectal hemorrhoids...What about varicose veins?...Could this adjustment help others with internal hemorrhoids in the colon, small intestine, or stomach?

Monday, May 11, 2009

Shoulder Pain

I have shoulder bursitis. Can a Chiropractor help? Yes. In most cases you have a partial anterior, (or forward) shoulder dislocation. you should have your shoulder adjusted into home stretches to correct it...and possibly have a neck adjustment to remove the pressure on the brachial plexus of nerves that control the blood supply, and feeling, to the sore shoulder. This is quite a common complaint, and will resolve in about 3 weeks. We may recommend a joint and muscle supplement as well.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Menstrual Cramps Lessened

While i attended Chiropractic College I witnessed a female student who had to stay in bed one day every month during her cycle. She began Chiropractic treatments and within 3 weeks found her period reduced to 3-4 days and far less bleeding....and yes she did eventually have children.
If the nerves are pinched and she had poor blood flow to her abdominal organs..and poor awareness in her brain of how to correct it...could this be the cause of an extremely uncomfortable monthly cycle??Apparently it was for her.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Children and Chiropractic

As the tree bends so grows the tree. If a child has a twisted neck or back he or she will tend to grow that way. It is surprising to see how many patients who have had breast cancer, had a severe twist or scoliosis in their upper backs at the chest level. Pinched nerves at that level may lessen circulation to the breast area and cause a weakness that leads to disease.
Many men live with low back pain. The nerves in our low backs supply the prostate gland...Is it any wonder prostate cancer is so wide spread?? Could a few spinal corrections each year lessen or prevent some of this??
Many children have poor digestion, poor bowels,poor lungs,poor attention at school,poor vision...the list is endless. Year after year I correct the parents' spines but only a few, have their kids checked.
There is a Big Idea here. If it can help the parent, maybe it can help the child be healthier.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Get the Edge

Do you want to get the edge working in your life? Have your spine adjusted so your nervous system ie. brain can work at its full potential, not at partial potential.Watch your thinking and your actions improve...learn to use a tune-up to keep your edge...and let you live in peak performance.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Immune Booster

In many cities..Toronto for one..Chiropractic Students adjust Aids Patients pro bono. Why? Because it helps to boost their immune systems. Many other patients notice fewer colds and flus than they used to have...Others notice that the duration and severity of these dis-eases shortens or lessens.
One study demonstrated that Ige levels increased apparently due to spinal treatment..Immunoglobin E attacks the bad guys in your system to disable them and allow your body to heal. Are you getting more colds flus etc.....What do you think you could do to strengthen
your immune system?
For links to research on this..try Dr Scott Haldeman MD DC....Palmer College of Chiropractic Library, Davenport Iowa...or Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College Library in Toronto .