Friday, June 26, 2009

Maniwaki Health Fair

Yesterday we were invited to participate in a health fair for aboriginal people from the Reservation in Maniwaki Qu. The theme was foot pain. we took foot adjusting adjusting table, foot massager, and model spine. We arrived just on time to set up the table, and people lined up. I spent the next 5 hours non-stop adjusting the local people..several were existing patients.
We adjusted full spines..neck, back, and pelvis. We adjusted hips, knees, ankles, feet, shoulders, wrists in some as needed. We did several abdominal, soft tissue adjustments. Aswell we used subconscious suggestions to help a select few overcome stress, lack of ambition, and improve their focus. We seemed very popular and have been asked to return in October.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Spinal Stenosis

Spinal stenosis, or narrowing of the spinal canal ,can put direct pressure on your spinal cord..If this happens in your lower lumbar vertebrae ie. low back might experience pain in your legs..buttock pain..abnormal bowel movements..recurrent kidney infections..In some cases ,spinal correction does remove some or all of the pressure on the spinal cord,,,sometimes there is a lot of disc herniation as well..even so, some patients experience far less pain within a few treatments. If there is a lot of disc bulging,and joint and disc degeneration, you would need to maintain the correction periodically when symptoms return. The Chiropractic adjustment becomes a management tool to avoid surgery.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Monthly Maintenance

It is the first of the month..I have just had my spine adjusted..I have just adjusted my staff's spine as well. Why? Through many generations Chiropractors and their patients have discovered that after one month of intense living everything works better if their spine is realigned or "tuned up". I have found this to be true.